How to Find Your Idea for
Creating an Irresistible Paid Product
with Chellaine Shockness Haye

Next up in the Fempreneur Coach Connection Podcast is Chellaine Shockness Haye, and she’s talking about creating Irresistible Paid Products.

Chellaine is a nationally recognized speaker, author, and coach who helps people transform their ideas into fun, creative, and profitable businesses. She believes that when given the knowledge, the necessary skills, and the access to opportunity, all people can be inspired to achieve their dreams, change the world and make a living doing what they love.

In this episode:

  • [01:57] How Chellaine went from an athletic therapist to author and coach
  • [07:35] Irresistible Paid Products: what it is and why you need (at least) one
  • [19:40] The Preparation-Execution-Delivery Path to creating Irresistible Paid Products


Want to make the most of the knowledge and experience you already have, but just don’t know where to start? Learn more about Chellaine’s book, The Other Side: A simple guide to turn what you know (& love) into what you sell, and discover where to grab your copy here.


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Noteworthy Quotes from this episode:

“I think at the heart of it, you know, people are people… it really doesn’t matter what you do or who you are. At the heart of it, we all want the same things.” – Chellaine


“There is a tendency for us to want to create something that’s so big. When you go back to really what an IPP is, it’s simple, it’s easy to consume. It’s something that someone can walk through and get the answer to this one problem.” – Chellaine


“Figure out what’s right for you, you know, I like to say there is no one way to do anything. And if someone’s telling you that there is, there isn’t. […] the information that’s there, it’s there to guide you. And then you choose what works for you, you choose what feels good to you, what fits, because that is really at the heart of loving what you do.”  – Chellaine


“Everyone, just get out there. Start creating, and just have the courage to deliver your work. It doesn’t have to be perfect. No one expects it to be perfect. It just needs to be out there. There’s someone waiting for you to help them.” – Chellaine


Nicole  00:00

I’ll tell you who’s next. Chellaine Shockness Haye is our next guest on Fempreneur Coach Connection. And she’s talking irresistible paid products, aka IPPs. Chellaine is a nationally recognized speaker, author, and coach who helps people transform their ideas into fun, creative, and profitable businesses. She believes that when given the knowledge, the necessary skills and the access to opportunity, all people can be inspired to achieve their dreams, change the world and make a living doing what they love. I’m super excited about this next one. 

Up next. Have you ever looked in the mirror and wanted something more, more in business home life, relationship life, say word if you agree, word in 2019, I created a business for coaches to market in this wacky way virtual events, all with this seven to seven job. I’m a full time nurse by the way. And like you there were just not enough hours in the day, my partner was feeling alone. And generally, this wasn’t fun anymore. But then I realized I needed to build myself back up mind, body, soul, and even my business. So I created a show that does just that interviewing all types of coaches, life wellness, fertility, career, financial wealth and business. Join me on my journey with some of the best coaches who want to empower other coaches to live their best lives and build businesses that fulfill them. My name is Nicole Beatty, and this is Fempreneur Coach Connection.

Welcome to the show Chellaine. 

Hello, thank you for having me. 

Yes, I’m super excited to get into this because, you know, these are one of those topics that is necessary. And for me, I think it’s kind of fun to think about. So, I’m excited to have you here.


It’s so great to be here.

Nicole  01:57

So, talk to me just like initially, like how did you get into business? Because you know, that it’s one of those like things I know, most people know that I’m a nurse and I got bored. So hey, I decided to go into online business. Still a nurse full-time, but you know, what’s your story and how you ended up where you’re talking about irresistible paid products?


Yeah, um, so my background is actually in sports medicine. I worked as an athletic therapist in Oh, wow. It’s like nursing Sports Med. Okay. Yeah. And I did that for 10 years. And while I was working in the industry, I kept saying, okay, you know, athletes, once they get to a certain age, or if they get injured, there’s nothing for them to transition into after they leave sport. And so I saw this gap in the market. And I was like, okay, someone’s got to do something about this. Someone really needs to do something about this. And then one day, I just said it one too many times. And I realized, oh, that’s somebody’s me. It was, you know, one of those things, it just happens. And so I left the professional sports industry, I went back to school, I did my Masters in Business, got the knowledge that I needed to come back and help solve this problem. And I’ve been working with athletes ever since. And then you know, 2020 happened. And it was all of a sudden, you know, yeah, working with athletes trying to figure out what happens next. But all of a sudden, everyone was out of work. There was no sport. And so I realized nobody cares what happens next, if they don’t know what happens now. And so this is where I transitioned. And I wrote a book, the knowledge that I had in my head, which was No, I can teach people how to create irresistible paid products that can, you know, make them an income, and just help support them through this time. And this all on off from from that. It’s been wonderful. It’s a new group of people that I’m working, with a new audience. And it is it’s so fun. It is just it’s so much fun.

Nicole  04:14

I can imagine that people like we will wait, you know, caught me a new group coming to you. What’s it been like making that transition from completely athletes? I don’t know. Like, my imagination is like, they come in like, you know, don’t you know me? And I’m like, No, I don’t, but Don’t you know me and kind of be a little arrogant people like really craving your information. Like, how has that transition been for you?


You know, it’s been so interesting, because, I mean, I speak sport. I’m fluent in football. I’m fluent in figure skating. I also worked with professional figure skaters and so like, I can speak that language. Okay, so coming back to this world, you know, the real world. Where it’s just like regular talk, right? It’s different, but it’s it’s so much fun. And I think at the, I think at the heart of it, you know, people or people doesn’t it really doesn’t matter what you do or really who you are. At the heart of it, we all want the same things. And so it’s just the need to open up this huge new world out with all these really interesting, fun people. It’s it’s been great. 

Nicole  05:27

Do you think that we have we meeting business owners, small business owners kind of count ourselves out and don’t really think big enough? Are you think like, it’s okay.


You know, that’s, that’s something I think that’s been with me, throughout my life, like, I live in a future, love the future, dream about the future, dream big. It’s something that I think has just been in me something that’s been taught, and I find so often small business owners, yeah, they, they do have a tendency to limit themselves, and they do have a tendency to believe that, you know, maybe it’s possible, it might be possible, you know, and slow step it, but it’s like, and our world is so big, and there’s so many people that need help, and there’s so many people that need all of these different services that, you know, business owners, small business owners are providing. So, like dream big!

Nicole  06:24

Dream big, I would I would just imagine like, you know, the athlete coming in making their whatever salary, you know, you know, they can they can sign something, and then we’ll go a million dollars. But maybe we have that a different mindset, you know, the small business owner that we can’t just do one thing or the hustle mentality, I don’t know what it is. But anyway, I just thought, I wonder what that difference is like for her. That’s, that’s a very interesting difference going from athletes, you still work with athletes, or you’re mainly working with the small business owners right now.


I do still work with athletes. Also helping them Yes, still helping them figure out what’s next. But with this new lane that I’m now in, it also helps them. And so that’s been really cool. It’s, you know, they’ve some of like, read the book and gone through it. And it’s like, oh, I can build a product on my own. Oh, I can do this. Oh, I can do that. And so again, like we were all the same, like we’re all there. And yeah, it’s so much fun.

Nicole  07:23

I love like, I don’t know, I that’s a very interesting, we could probably talk about that all day. Because I think that’s just super interesting how that works. But I guess my first question, well, I guess now my 10th question. So, you know, to you what is an irresistible paid product? And maybe that is a broad question. But when you say that of the IPP, what are you referring to when you say that?


Great question. And when I talk about an IPP, what it is, it’s a product that you create, that’s designed to solve a specific problem that your audience is having. And so it can be a book, an online course, templates, principles. The key is, and what makes it so irresistible, is that it’s easy for your audience to access. And it’s easy for your audience to consume. So that once they purchase your product and follow your teachings, their problem is solved. And they’ll have a success. Like, that’s the main thing.

Nicole  08:24

Wow. Okay. So I mean, you’ve, you’ve put it in such a simple term, but we make it super complicated, because we’re like, well, it’s got to be a membership. It’s got to be a course that has 10,000 modules. And it has to be a service that’s like, you know, 100 million hours and I get paid $1 $1 for it, you know, what I mean? Like, we make it super simple are so sorry, we make it super complicated. And the way you’ve made it seem that it’s, it’s simple, like this is something we do and somebody gets a result from it. And it’s, you know, it’s a no-brainer. In other words, right.


Exactly. And that’s, that’s why it’s so irresistible. It’s just Yeah, yeah, why? Why wouldn’t I do this? Absolutely. It just makes sense.

Nicole  09:11

So yeah, it does. Why would I need it? I think you already answered that. But I want to make sure that we go in why you need an IPP. Why can’t I just have what I want?


And so why do you need one? The first reason is credibility if you’re a new coach, or even if you’ve been at it for a while, but you’re just not getting the traction that you want to have. An IPP shows that you know what you’re talking about. And it shows your audience that you know how to solve their problems. And it also shows that you have the courage to put your work out there into the world. I find you know, so many people are talking about what they can do and what they can offer but they haven’t delivered anything yet. So, you know, having an IPP makes you different. Yeah, it just in addition to that, it also allows people to sample your work. So, you know, when you create, you know, your first one, your second one, your third one, I encourage people to do more. You’re showing what you have to offer. And so while your coaching services might be priced in the hundreds or even 1000s, this IPP can be an entryway for someone who may not be ready for your full services. And yeah, and I mean, that also leads into it also gives you greater access to your work or gives people greater access to your work. So if again, they might not be ready for one of your higher-paid offers. This IPP can be a lower price offer that they can come in, get to know you still get help from you. And you can reach so many more people that way.

Nicole  10:57

Um, let me make sure I understand we’re taking are we taking away the freebie are we taking away because, you know, I want the back of the day when we talk about three years ago. Back in the day of business, it really can be a year, they really talked about creating your freebie and your freebie goes into your course or something like that. That’s kind of like the standard or is what you’re taught. Are you telling us now let’s let’s be a little controversial. Are you telling us now that you would rather us to have the IPP as a way of getting the taste of working with us and not the freebie Is it a bridge is it instead of what are we using the IPP for in that context.


So in that context for using the IPP as an addition to so I still like the freebie I still like giving away free stuff, free knowledge to help everyone if something I can produce can help someone then great. Your IPP is that next level, and I mean, if it’s helpful, usually, you know, you can price it anywhere between $7 all the way up to 200 250. So there is a wide range in there. But it’s just again, that bridge that’s between, you know, free, and your high-paid coaching service offers that you have? That’s a great question.

Nicole  12:33

Okay, so I mean, you know, we just want to make sure we understand, so we got a nice price range, we just, she just gave us a nice price range. So I appreciate that. What is or is there a difference in the IPP and the trip wire because it’s the way it’s reading is it’s reading as a trip wire. Now that’s a bad way of saying something. And I’m gonna guess the IPP is a lot more like human first as opposed to like a automated, like, trip over this. Give me money, you know what I mean? What that implies a trip or Hulu? What is the difference? I may have just answered my question. So I do that cause sometimes,


yeah. And I mean, you did really, that’s what it is, when you’re creating something that’s something intentional, something that really solves a problem, not just piece of it, but it takes them through whatever that specific problem is. It’s you’re creating for a specific audience in mind. Now, you can have it show up as a tripwire if you want to put it that way. But again, the intention behind it is that it could stand on its own. It does stand on its own, you can promote it on its own or you can have it as an add-on eventually if you want to do that too.

Nicole  13:50

Okay, sweet. Okay. I… The term tripwire is very hated. And I mean, it’s implying I’m tripping over something and falling, I mean that what a tripwire is you fall over something. So but not in a good way. Like it’s like, no tripping. Give me your money. I don’t know. It’s a little funny term for me. So I like the thought of IPP. And you’re saying that instead of that you don’t necessarily have to have the IPP in a funnel like I’m creating this to lead to this to lead to that. I mean, the IPP is a selection of products. And you said before, you can have more than one what’s your what’s your thought process on that? Because you said it alluded to having more than one and we’re like no as one thing.


I say start with one. So start with your first one. And then after that, see where it can go. I mean, there’s so many different types that you can create. And depending on what you have to offer what you speak about. You can create smaller projects, smaller pieces of that information. Shouldn’t that can help someone so they don’t necessarily have to go through your whole big coaching package if they’re not ready for it at that time. But yes, definitely I say start with one. Yeah. Start with five

Nicole  15:16

of them. Here you go. Yeah. Yeah. How would you? You know, I feel, I feel like we need to keep going, because I can ask 10 questions. So let’s keep going. So let’s see. So growing your business or coaching business, you know, how it can help you grow your coaching business? We want to talk about that.


Yes. And I mean, the first thing is, it increases your income streams. So when you create an IPP, Are We All right, create a new avenue to make money, you know, and which, with each one that you build, you’re creating more and more avenues. And that’s, I mean, that’s huge. That also gives you more time, you know, if you’re not needing to, you know, meet with clients, one on one, or even with groups, because you’re able to make money that’s coming into either, you know, through digital downloads, or physical products that are being shipped where you don’t have to be that much like hands-on with it, then that’s great. It gives you more time. And, I mean, you could meet with more clients, you could do more group stuff, or you could create more. And I mean, that’s, that’s just why it’s so great. And I mean, the IPP, it also helps you grow your email list, right? You know, you talked about the freebie and, and having that you can put it in a funnel, you can have it in in something that, you know, really entices your new audience or your current audience to say, hey, you know what, I do need help with that. And hey, you did give me help with that freebie that you offered. So yeah, I do want to try this out. I don’t know if I’m ready for all of it. But you know what this is, this is great. And so all of these things, you know, help you grow and scale your business in such a way that, I mean, it’s fun, because you’re doing something and you’re creating something that interests you, that you love, that can help people. And it’s like, you’re just saying, Hey, I made this for you. Here’s a gift, you know? Yeah, it’s just, yeah, that’s really what it’s all about.

Nicole  17:19

So, you know, I think we’re probably getting into the next topic here with the path to creating that IPP and exactly how you create it in my mind, again, you know, these are questions I love. It’s just questions I’ll be asking. But in my mind, I’m thinking, so if you had this coaching business, if you had this service that you provide, and you’re looking to create the IPP, I guess, I’m thinking to work backwards, but maybe, maybe you’re kind of like, no, no, you can start with IPP and work forward. But in my mind, if I have a coaching business, and I want people to be at a certain step, or a certain goal, before they work with me, then my IPP can address how to get them to that goal in my brain. That’s, that’s how it would look, what do you think?


I mean, that is awesome. Like, that is definitely a place to start, if you want to do it that way. When I created it, the intention was for someone who hasn’t done anything before, they need to bring in an extra stream of income, it might be in addition to their jobs, it might be in addition to their business. But because of what happened because of the downturn in 2020, just with everything that happened, it was like, they needed something fast. They needed something that could help support them. And so really, when you’re going through the path, it’s really you get to choose, you get to choose where you start, if it’s a bridge for your current clients, or if it’s, you know, creating something to start a business, which happens all the time. Like that. You can go either way. And so that’s the beauty of it when you create products. Yeah.

Nicole  19:04

So how do we get those ideas? Because, you know, it’s great to get okay, I could have this irresistible paid product, and everybody’s buying my thing, you know, hey, look, let me let me be modest. I’m gonna say it’s $47. And, you know, I’m on social media, and I’m talking about and I’m talking about the success that people can get from it and the success people have gotten from it. But how about if you’re new board, or if I’m a coach, and I’m thinking about, you know, and I normally do coaching one on one or group programs, whatever. Where do I even start with thinking up an idea for what would be considered a IPP? How do I do that?


Wonderful question, and I am big on simplifying everything. That’s just how my mind works. It likes to break things down. And so I created a system and it’s called the PED path and It’s a three-part system. And each piece of the system has three steps. And so P stands for preparation, E for execution, and D for delivery. So that’s the PED and ped path. And would you like me to go through all the steps? And yeah,

Nicole  20:17

okay. Yeah. If I said no, they’d be like, shut up. Yes, heck yeah, go ahead.


So wonderful. So the first step, the first step in preparation, is you and, and it starts with you, you know, are you ready? Have you set aside time to create this IPP? What’s your workspace? Like? Have you been getting in your own way like this is this is big for people first starting out, they think, oh, yeah, I can do this. And then they jump in, and nothing around them is organized or prepared or really encouraging what they need in order to create. And so once all of that is set up, the next part of the system is your idea. And that’s finding it narrowing down your choices, validating your idea, you know, is it a good idea. And there’s a whole again, another process just to doing that, and breaking it down in simple, easy ways from, you know, storming, brainstorming, but I call it storming prompts to reflections, there’s a whole path that you can follow just to get that idea and then validate it, which is so much fun and narrow it down. And then after that, in the preparation stuff is your audience, you know, like, Who are you creating for? You know, sometimes we go out and we’re like, oh, I just want to do this. And it’s like, you get into it. And then it’s like, oh, wait, who is this for?

Nicole  21:41

Who is it for? Yeah, and I put all my things. Yeah, yeah.


Right. And then what problem are you solving and so this is the preparation stage. So it’s just getting through these three steps. And then you’re ready to execute and execution? Oh, it’s so much fun. You know, it’s the first part is the blueprints, so outlining frameworks, storyboards, you know, all of the pieces that you need to put your IPP in, in, in motion. And so again, I lay that out. And then probably the part that people dread the most is the tech, that next step. So the hardware, the software, right, free versus paid everything that you’ll use to deliver your work, right. Like that’s, that’s the part that really gets people like, Oh, what do we do? And so we lay it out. And then comes the construction. And I like to say, you know, this is where the magic happens. This is where you create, this is where you write this is where you build your course, this is where you deliver your principles. This is where you build your templates, whatever it is you’re working on. This is where it happens. And then the last part, oh, go ahead.

Nicole  22:53

Well, I was thinking, what about the heft? Is that the word, the haft of your IPP? Because, you know, you’re laying out the, you know, the steps? At what point do you kind of go because I tend to do this, I want to put more, I want to put more, I want to put more in it? Where do you stop? And then we can go on to your next step? For sure. But where do we stop? How do we know it’s too much? Where do we? Where do we kind of say this is a really good product that will get the result? And I don’t need to add anything else to it?


Yes. So if you go back to that blueprint stage, which is the first one in the first step in execution, that’s where you’re creating your outline. And again, there’s, I simplify everything. That’s where all the steps are laid out, you know, how do you create this blueprint? How many steps do you need? How many pieces do you need? And there’s guidelines, there’s worksheets, there’s things there to help direct you and guide you. Because you know what, you’re absolutely right. There is a tendency for us to want to create something that’s so big. When you go back to really what an IPP is, it’s simple, it’s easy to consume. It’s something that someone can walk through and get the answer to this one problem. And so once you know, get that idea, validate that idea, figure out what that problem is you’re solving. When you start outlining and building out your framework, you pull pieces out, it’s like, first Yeah, we get everything down, write everything out, okay, put it on paper, and then what do you take away? And that’s part of the process, knowing what stays and what goes.

Nicole  24:37

Yeah. Okay. I like that. I like the thought of, we’re not just adding it adding but there’s a process a point in your process, where we say, okay, take out, take out, because we love to throw more and more and more and okay, you had one more step or did you have a few more stages? 


There’s one more stage. The last part is delivery. Yeah, so that’s your or distribution channels, what platforms are you going to use to deliver this IPP? And then after that: website? And the question I like to ask is, do you really need one? And so you go through that process of figuring out if having your own website is what you need. And last but not least, marketing promotion. And so how will people know about your IPP and so different suggestions that are out there, and you walk through that, and again, figure out what’s right for you, you know, I like to say there is no one way to do anything. And if someone’s telling you that there is, there isn’t. Um, so it’s like the information that’s there, it’s there to guide you. And then you choose what works for you, you choose what feels good to you, what fits, because that is really at the heart of loving what you do. It’s like, if you have to do something that you don’t like, it doesn’t make for a really great day. What are the things that you can do really, to, to really be into your work and to really love waking up in the morning and doing it?

Nicole  26:10

And so your process is outlined in your book? Correct?


Yes. And the book is called The Other Side, give you guys the title. The book is called a simple guide to turn what you know and love into what you sell. And it’s available on Amazon.

Nicole  26:28

Okay, there you go. I’m glad that we definitely could go through here because I don’t think we get all that that’s where we went through her process, y’all but definitely go pick up that book. Because, you know, this is someone who has made income streams for athletes. Uh, you know, there used to, like, oh, so I just put my number on, put my name on something and it blows up. This is somebody who’s created that so I that that makes me super excited to read it for sure. Hey, hey, it’s Nicole Beatty, and I’m looking for coaches out there to be a guest on seminar coach connection. Go to fat burner to learn more and apply. So where can we find you? For people who want to work with you? Hey, you never know we might have some athletes in the in the audience who might want to talk to you about that IPP. But for anybody else who wants to get a hold of you and talk to you about their IPP creating it, how to create it, tell us how we can get ahold of you.


Yes, the best place to connect with me is going to my website I can spell ch e ll ai n Or you can send me an email to Simple, right.

Nicole  27:44

I love it. I love it. I love it. That’s yeah, you know when it’s simple? Remember, you’re all about this simplicity. I like that. Yeah. So thank you so much for coming on the show and for discussing what IPP is first off and giving us all ideas. Because you know, we sometimes get our thought process in one way and we need to diversify. I think our income streams and diversify our businesses. And you know, you’ve just given us a really great way to diversify with the IPP.


Awesome, I’m so glad. And you know what, everyone, just get out there, start creating, and just have the courage to deliver your work. It doesn’t have to be perfect. No one expects it to be perfect. It just needs to be out there. There’s someone waiting for you to help them.

Nicole  28:28

Awesome. Thank you so much. I like to thank my guests today, Shalane and all the information she’s given us. And you know what’s interesting behind the scenes, I don’t I’m super interested in this whole athlete thing. I think that’s just like, that’s the most interesting thing ever do that. But anyway, so I thank her for being on the show. And if you are just as cool, actually, and you work with amazing people, coaching them, I’d love to have you on the show, go to

and so at the end of all our episodes we always say who’s next