How to Craft Pre-Launch Messaging for a Launch
with Jackie Sunga

Next up in the Fempreneur Coach Connection Podcast is Jackie Sunga, and she’s talking about how to craft pre-launch messaging for a successful launch.


She’s a conversion copywriter that helps clients by writing the sales emails and sales pages so that they can have their best launches yet. Jackie is passionate about helping purpose-driven clients grow online businesses through sales copy that wins the heart of their perfect-fit customers, all while infusing safety and self-trust.

In this episode:

  • [06:03] The new big trend in copywriting for your mailing list
  • [08:53] The four objections to include in your pre-launch messaging strategy
  • [16:11] Effectively communicate your framework and values to potential buyers
  • [21:36] Pre-launch content examples that address common objections
  • [25:56] The importance of meeting your clients where they are
  • [27:42] Perfectionist clients and how to emotionally connect with them


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Noteworthy Quotes from this episode:

“a lot of buyers are very, very smart and they’re not responding anymore to tactics like FOMO and urgency and scarcity and things like that. “ – Jackie Sunga


“if you don’t have that sort of pre-launch content there[…] you’re going to have students who come in and they’re like, super overwhelmed, right? Because you didn’t… you didn’t address the first couple of steps that they needed to have taken. And so it’s meeting them where they’re at…” – Jackie Sunga


“Oftentimes, we think about a buyer persona, and we like have a stock photo and whatever, we’re not really letting ourselves experience what is going on in that person’s life.” – Jackie Sunga

“We can give our clients permission to let that perfectionism go, and they can be imperfect with us, even though there are [our] perfect clients.” – Nicole Batey


Nicole  00:00

I’ll tell you who’s next. Jackie Sunga is our next guest on Fempreneur Coach Connection and she’s talking how to craft pre-launch messaging for a launch. She’s a conversion copywriter that helps clients by writing the sales emails and sales pages for their launches that win the hearts of their customers so that they can have their best launches. Yet. Jackie is passionate about helping purpose-driven clients grow online businesses through sales copy that wins the heart of their perfect-fit customers, all while infusing safety and self-trust. And without that pushy sales tactics, here’s a chance to check back into your messaging and how it’s attracting the right clients into your business. I’m super excited to chat up next. 


Have you ever looked in the mirror and wanted something more, more in business, home life, relationship life, say word if you agree, word in 2019, I created a business for coaches to market in this wacky way virtual dance, all with a seven to seven job. I’m a full time nurse by the way. And like you there were just not enough hours in the day. My partner was feeling alone. And generally, this wasn’t fun anymore. But then I realized I needed to build myself back up mind, body, soul, and even my business. So I created a show that does just that interviewing all types of coaches, life wellness, fertility, career, financial wealth and business. Join me on my journey with some of the best coaches who want to empower other coaches to live their best lives and build businesses that fulfill them. My name is Nicole Beatty, and this is Ben thinner coach connection. Welcome to the show, Jackie.



Hi, Nicole, thank you so much for having me on. I’m super excited to be here today.


Nicole  01:51

I’m excited because we’re going to talk about something that is super important to just like the success of launches into the business, but often isn’t talked about, we talk about some things related to the actual launch, but not that stuff that happens before. So I’m excited for us to really talk about that.



Me too. Me too, because I definitely seen what happens when there’s a lot of really good prep beforehand and on the messaging side and what happens when people are like leaving things to the last minute. So really excited to give that value to your audience today.


Nicole  02:30

Yeah, so okay, one of the things as I was reading up about you that I was excited about the wording you use here messaging, the wording you use here was infusing that safety and self-trust. What do you mean by that? Because that’s I was like Ooh, okay, what’s that about? And are you mean safety of yourself? Your you know, fans audience self what does that even mean? I would love…



That’s a great question. So and I talked about this not just with my done for you clients, but also with consulting clients who they’re really wanting to work on their own copywriting skills and they want to work on their own sales skills online. And what we’re noticing a lot especially now like that two years into the pandemic, a lot of people are not, they’re not… a lot of buyers are very, very smart and they’re not responding anymore to tactics like FOMO and urgency and scarcity and things like that. Like those are very very people are so much savvy er now and so when it comes to making a sale online, especially with people, someone who has never met you in real life, it’s extremely important to make sure that you are intentionally creating these opportunities for your buyer to feel like they do have that felt sense of safety with you as a… as the person that they’re going to buy something from so especially if you have a large, high-ticket coaching program using something like deadline funnel and a timer yes, those things are effective but like to really really have that emotiona,l again that emotional safety with your buyer. That’s a moment that happens in sales especially not just in one on one sales conversations but even in sales copywriting there’s that wonderful moment when a buyer, a perfect-buyer is going to have that like settlement that settled feeling and like they there’s no rush for them they know that your program is the right fit for them. And it’s because something that you’ve said to them something that… the way in which you conveyed the invitation to them, made them feel like wow like this is, this is a different program like and if they’re coaching me through these things now if I feel this way now what am I going to feel like when I’m like done with their curriculum?, so it’s not so much Like, Oh, the information is amazing. But rather, how am I feeling? Do I notice that my body feels different? Do I feel different in my body? So that’s what I mean by safety for the customer. And I mean, when you know that that kind of shift happens within your customer to, like, that just feels good to you, as well, as opposed to just making all of these sales and then not ending up being really, really coachable clients, or they get stuck a lot in their own way. And you can’t really help them out of that. Because yeah, there’s something that, you know, they may be made a purchase too soon, they rushed in, and they didn’t really give themselves the time to think about it.


Nicole  05:42

Yeah, what? So I mean, I can imagine, you know, making your customers feel safe is, you know, having consistent messaging that the messaging does not change dramatically. Having them you know, ad is a word get to know be authentic get to know you, is that what you mean by them feeling safe, are trusting you?



Yeah, so there’s lots of different ways to infuse this during launch messaging. So one way to do this is to at the beginning of your launch, I was, I’m taking an example from one of my friends who is also a copywriter, but she is addressing their, their behavior at the beginning or so consent is a really big, a big idea that’s happening now, or the big trend in copywriting now, where it’s like, just renewing their consent to opt out of your launch emails. So it can be like at the very beginning, and like even having something that I’ve seen is like having a box at the, at the top of every single sales email being like you have actually all of these opportunities to opt out. And it’s totally fine. But the trend that I was just going to follow up on is you can address how, like, some people are just going to be on the list because they want to read your email address and be like, I’m just here for this life, like I’m not really gonna buy I know. Real transparent.


Nicole  07:08

Yeah. Emails. I’ve seen that recently because well, I am on her list, because, you know, well, I don’t know if I should say your name, but I’m on her list. Because I love her emails. She specifically has a copywriting course that I really love. And she’s dynamic. And she just infuses that fun into her emails. And she had like maybe two or three emails recently that said, Hey, I’m going into launch mode. This is what we’re launching, this is the day we’re launching it, just so you know, you know, you can opt out. Now, if you would rather click this button, you won’t receive this, I’ll see you at February 28th is pretty much what what was said. And I appreciated that I was like, okay, even though already had the course, one of my emails don’t have the course. So I was like, I’m joking. This goes, because I appreciated that the people she already, you know, the one email is already in the course. And it says, Hey, I’m going into launch mode. I’m launching the same thing. You’ve already got it just so you know, I’ll be back on February 28. So people who already had it, she said, I’m going to be back later on this month. And for people who don’t my other email address. I was like, Oh, hey, yeah, let’s go into what your launch looks like. But that was the first time I’ve really seen someone literally say, this is what’s happening over the next month. These are the emails, who expects click here. So yeah, I haven’t quite seen it quite yet. But I mean, Jackie, as far as I’m concerned, you’ve just told us a trend. You’ve just predicted 2022 And how you interact with our list. So I appreciate that and love that I’m gonna go right into because I know we will be here all day talking about this. And I’ll be asking 1000 questions if we don’t go into the actual topics, right. So the first thing you wanted to talk about was the four objections to include in your pre-launch messaging strategy. I’m all yours. Everybody gets your paper pens and whatever else you got to do, because I’m excited to hear about this.



Yes. So what I am what I’ve been realizing a lot with clients in our launches is that the earlier we talk about, we start a conversation about objections that audience that their audience may have. And this can come from what we know from market research surveys, or one on one interviews, but I like to categorize these into four. So the one of the first ones being the actual container of the offer. So is it a group program that they’re selling? Are they selling a membership? Are they selling a self study course? So about those things in particular? So there’s kind of this high-level overview. The second objection to talk about or to start a conversation around and to shift their thoughts around is the actual topic. So let’s say you’re selling a course on LinkedIn. So what are some like easy content? pieces that will allow your listeners to be like, Oh, like this, this person just gave me these really, really, really quick, like five-minute tips to implement now so that these micro-commitments of just like, they don’t even know at this point that you have a course on LinkedIn right or that you’re planning to, but they already know that you’ve helped them achieve something really easy that has moved their business forward. So again, LinkedIn, the example could be like, “change your LinkedIn bio and five minutes to attract your dream client”. Right? So then it’s like five minutes easy, like, oh, my gosh, I can do that. That’s not a big thing at all right? Because their objection there is like, I don’t have time. So then that moves into… that moves into again, the next objection, which is an internal objection, it’s the hardest objection for people to overcome. And a lot of the times it’s subconscious, but it’s about the beliefs that they hold about themselves. So it may be something like a huge one, if I’m working with a client who has an audience of primarily parents, then it’s usually something like, oh, my gosh, I’m so overwhelmed. So then there is where we can start a conversation and her pre-launch, where it’s really helping them. Her free content is coaching them through overwhelm and understanding, being aware of that. And so then in that case, it’s like, Okay, now we’re even identifying, calling out the people who are the most coachable, if they’re being if they’re responding well to this content, then they’ll respond well to the paid curriculum, the coaching curriculum. So then the final one, again, as a summary, is an external objection. So this could be something like, oh, I don’t have the capacity right now, because I’m doing this other program at the same time. So then this is where you would want to do something like you would want to have content around, persuade, there’s many, many ways. But an example of this would be… maybe have a success story of a coaching client, who was actually who had the same, the same sort of, or a very similar background or a similar external set of circumstances and like showing to the audience, look at how busy that person was, and look at how much they overcame? And what were the sort of thought patterns that they had to prioritize this program and why it was really important. So just again, as a summary, you’ll have things to really focus on are the actual container of your offer. So again, if is it? Is it a coaching programs, a high ticket coaching program? Is it a self-study course a membership? Is it a one-on-one coaching container? The second one is? What is the topic that you are teaching about? And what are some industry myths about the topic that you’re teaching about? What are some internal identity beliefs that they’re holding on to? And then, externally? What is the ecosystem that your ideal client is experiencing? What are they thinking that the external environment is? How is the external environment the things that they can’t control going to prohibit them from actually taking action? In your coaching program? 


Nicole  13:07

Whoa, everybody take a breath. Take a breath, everybody. That was something that we all have to digest. And we really think about and like sit down and really have a, what are these objections? The internal, the external? Did we mention the money part? Which one would that be considered? Oh, as money often is like, objection. So where would I put that in terms of objections?



100% That would definitely, that could definitely go into external. And so some ways that you could discuss I’ve seen people do this where it’s like, oh, you can? Well, okay, well, this actually transitions into my next point, my speaking point where, if you value taking clients who are not going to get themselves into a whole lot of debt, then that’s another trend that I’m noticing and copywriting these days, and a lot of group programs in late 2020 and early 2022 Is that like, if you know, it would be in the best interest of your client for them to not like put it on their credit card or something like that. And I’m seeing a lot of people right in there like value stacks and the pricing stacks where it’s like this is for you, if you know, you have some savings, you probably have a little bit of debt, but you can pay it off really quickly, right? You’re not suffering and you’re not like looking in so then it’s like really really infusing your values there too about like, because this is a big money objection. So it’s just at least being very very clear and upfront about it. And we’re it’s like you’re already anticipating their needs. And I mean, going back to like their basic needs too, because it’s like it would be very unethical for you to be like, yeah, like take out like your take out loans. Yeah. $25,000 program, right, right. Right. Then it’s like when you lead With that, that’s what that’s again, just focusing on the safety that we were talking about at the beginning, where it’s like, if you’re leading with that value, again, that value being like, I cherish you as a person, and I do not want you to go into debt to afford my program, do what you need to do, as far as like make money, make a return on investment, on the other programs that you’ve already spent, and show yourself that you can trust yourself to finish those programs. And come back to me, I’m still going to be I’m going to be running this programming. I’m like, I’m not going anywhere. So like, that’s another element of safety, too.


Nicole  15:31

Yeah, I love what you’re… where you’re going, I’m gonna pick it up. I love where you’re going in the sense of people like this is the last time I never gonna, you know, and if you’re pivoting, okay, that’s fine. But sometimes it just feels a little bit like, well, if I’m not ready, I’m not ready. So I totally get when you say that safety part, you want to feel safe, you know, and again, if it truly is the last time, that’s fine, but don’t use it as a tactic to scare me into why I gotta get into it now. So I totally get what you’re saying there, we kind of jumped into, you know, your framework and values. But that’s fine, because I would love to hear from you. The Okay, so framework, I learned how to create my framework, right? So, if this is something you do, you’ve written down your values, you’ve learned how, how do we communicate that framework, because the framework may not always be like the bread and butter of your… your coaching program, it is not your coaching program. It’s kind of the bare bones of your coaching work. But how do I communicate that effectively? You already said values? You know, if you have a high ticket, you’re not going to be like, put this on your credit card, you know, you’re you’re letting them know that this is for you if… that’s what that section is really great at doing. But how do we communicate our framework?



That’s a great question. So I was just giving a copy audit yesterday with a career coach. And so one of the… one of the ways to do this, this is not just a copywriting thing, but a lot of people kind of skip over the experience and the process that they have developed on their own as far as like, hey, you know, I spent years doing this. And I actually have a very, very clear step-by-step process in terms of like, this is how I do this, this is very different than how this person does this and so 


Nicole  17:25

So it makes you unique, right? You’ve created your own process of doing stuff. Yep. Right. And



to communicate this I can be I’m when I’m thinking about a sales page, you can, a lot of people will use like a Venn diagram, or like a triple diagram, I don’t really know what that limit is like.


Nicole  17:45

Geometry, I don’t know, whatever it is.



Yeah, we use like three circles connecting to each other. So then it’s like, oh, like, these are the three phases so that it’s like your buyer can see the sequence in which they’ll go through something, especially if it’s a coaching program where there is a curriculum to follow, they really, potential buyers really appreciate seeing a visual aspect to understanding and not just a course syllabus, but something that that can help them see what’s happening. And then another way to do this, if you’re communicating your unique this, and just wanting to drive home, how your program is different. Another thing that you do is have a table at the end of your sales page where it’s like, what other people do, what I do. You’re like being very… Again, you’re understanding the ecosystem of who your customer is potentially looking at, because they know their problems so well. And so they’re like, Okay, I’m like, I know, I’m shopping around for all of these problems that are these other solutions to my problem, I need this person to make it so easy for me to understand “why are you different?” And “why should I choose you?” So that is able, when you do something like a summary table, you’re making it again, you’re just making it really, really easy for your potential customer to deeply understand. How is it that your coaching program is going to help me achieve this outcome versus like this other program that is vying for my attention, right? So it’s very, very small, like things right to just be able to just make it easier for your buyer to understand. Because we get so close to our own content. And we’re like, Oh, my God, like I draw like, why? Because that’s how I do things, right. But just to allow yourself to just step out, I think about things was like, How is this person potentially experiencing this? And how can I just make it easier on them to understand my proprietary framework and my uniqueness?


Nicole  19:52

I absolutely love that. And I’m going to tell you why I love that. Well, first off the thing that really really hit me like, why don’t more people do This is the thing of like, almost like the comparison chart, this is what they’re doing. This is what I’m doing this is what makes me unique. It acknowledges the fact that we are looking we have we have so much of a marketplace for many different things. So yes, I am looking at other places, I am looking at other creators and coaches, and you are showing me the difference in that particular piece of copy. And I never even thought about that. I definitely understand the Venn diagram, it’s a Venn diagram you’re talking about, it’s three, yeah, it’s three circles instead of the two. But you know, having that visual representation of your framework, now, obviously, you’re talking sales page, I’m gonna talk a little bit more like in terms of like your video and your you know, your copy as far as reels and Instagram, and you know, and maybe Facebook ads it’s really talking about the process of whatever the result is, right? So in step one, this is what you’re going to do blah, blah, blah, they don’t know how but they know the what they do know that we’re going to create an Instagram bio, I don’t know, whatever. You know, they know those things. So in the even before the sales page and stuff, your your content really is bringing out those things. So again, that repeat messaging, so I absolutely love that everything and I’m like writing it down, because I know I want to use it for my event. Shoot, I think that’s super important to us what you’re talking about in your event copywriting. So you talked about our one of the points we wanted to make sure we made was pre-launch content examples. And you’ve already given us some but do you have any more for us that we can glean in life?



Yeah, that’s a good question. So let me just back up and restate them again. So we had the container, we have the topic objection, we have the internal objections, and then the external objections. So the container example that if you’re a coach, and you have a you want to do a group coaching program, I really, really would love for anyone who is watching this to take this to heart, because this is again, just having done a lot of market research on for for clients, and just understanding the coaching industry and what people’s experiences are. An objection that they may have is like I get lost, and I do not like that I only get to spend or like someone will spend 20 minutes talking on a call. And that leaves me with like, no time at all. Yeah, so then what you can do as a creator is you can show them how you’ve thought very deliberately about this experience. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be like, Oh, this is exactly what I’m doing. It has to be very rigid, but like, you’re just at least you’re starting that conversation. It can even just be like market research there too, where it’s like: “what are my audience’s experiences?”, “what has broken their heart in the past?”, and “how could I make sure that I’m listening to that and making sure […] they’re not going to get lost?” Maybe it’s something like, Oh, I’m meeting with my VA, or my community manager and creating an SOP on how we’re really loving on our students. Or maybe it’s like something like how, look at how many amazing testimonials are coming from people who love the… my community manager or something like that, where you’re already starting that conversation. So then when it comes to the topic, so we talked about the LinkedIn one, so that one really again, it this at this point in the pre-launch, like you’re not necessarily talking about your offer yet, or like that you have a paid program, but you’re giving your audience really, really quick wins on this topic. So let’s say you’re an email marketer and a lot of your audience. They actually they’re like, I don’t even know what like ConvertKit at what is that? Like? A lot of people?


Nicole  23:57

Yeah, and many people still don’t, you know, we keep on forgetting, you know, they’re noobies in this game. Yeah.



Right. And maybe, maybe carrying that shame of like, Oh, my God, like my email list has like five people on it. And one of them is my mom. Yeah, that’s okay. So it’s just like, so just like addressing that. I actually had a post on this where it was like a lot of people will carry the shame that my email list is not, does not have, like 35,000 People like Amy Porterfield or whoever, right? Just addressing that too, or email is not dead. And you also do not have to feel this shame, because I know how much you have going on. You’ve been working so hard, right? So then it’s addressing why is it justified that they haven’t started working on the topic that you’re going to be talking about? Because oftentimes, like if you’re an expert on your topic, like people may feel really overwhelmed if you like, go all the way to the end, but it’s like just taking that like letting yourself like take those steps back and like really reverse engineer, what is like the first thing that they even need to understand in terms of again, if they don’t have… if you, if you want to sell an email course you’re an email marketer. And they believe that oh my gosh, like, I just need to market on Instagram and Facebook and that day like I’m a mentalist. Maybe you have something, let’s set up your email list. 15 minutes, let’s say girl, there you go, you have 15 minutes, follow my step-by-step video tutorial. These are all of the three qualifiers, essentially, these are the things that would make them successful in your course. Right? So that’s an example like really chopping things up and breaking it down all the way, what’s the first thing to do? So that again, you’re if you’re enrolling somebody who’s like, super overwhelmed, and they’re like, Oh, my God, because then if you don’t have that sort of pre-launch content there, then again, of course, you’re going to have students who come in and they’re like, super overwhelmed, right? Because you didn’t, you didn’t address the first couple of steps that they needed to have taken. And so it’s meeting them where they’re at, really meeting them where they are. All this comes back to the whole idea of like, I’m too overwhelmed. So it’s just reading between the lines and asking yourself, what are they really saying? And I keep on saying the word ecosystem, because oftentimes, we think about a buyer persona, and we like have a stock photo and whatever, we’re not really letting ourselves experience what is going on in that person’s life, as to like what’s causing that overwhelm. like, what are these external things so that it’s like, maybe internally, someone is like and I was listening to a really great podcast on this, like, maybe someone is feeling overwhelmed, because I talked about inner child a lot, because I just love it. And anyways, okay, well, I’m not gonna go there, like, But, when it comes to, like, a lot of people deeply like, like, they may fear making a mistake, or like, they like, I have to do something perfectly, or I have to have XYZ completed


Nicole  26:59

We have a lot of people who, they have that perfectionism. And you know, that definitely is one of the objections. I feel like a lot of people for sure. 



Right? And a lot of people like, even in just again, in the coaching industry, you’ll have people who like will come to calls, and they’ll be like, Oh, my God, like, I feel so ashamed that I’ve finished my homework yet. And like, that’s why I feel like I can’t ask a question. So I’m just like, I’m not even going to ask my question. Because I’m gonna feel like if I didn’t ask, like, if I, if I ask this question, I’m going to look stupid. So then it’s like, it’s almost like, what are these things that people think about? Or they’re holding themselves back? Because I mean, like, maybe they’re experiencing something internally. This is like a trigger from like, elementary school where, like, a teacher made them feel stupid for asking a question.


Nicole  27:42

We’ve talked about, you talked about building that trust, and the wording, to let them know, it’s okay. That, you know, not being perfect is okay, not having their homework done is perfectly okay. And, you know, and even, I would dare say, if I saw a copy that’s like, Hey, you sometimes don’t come with your homework done to coaching or, you know, I’d be like, Oh, that’s me. Like, I never even thought about that way or thought, you know, people, not just perfection of their business, they want to be perfect in the program. And the guy, you know, it’s not it, they want to be perfect. And in the actual, whatever it is they do, for instance, I do events, they want it to be perfect. That’s what something like, I like, it has to do this, and it has to be this and it has to get this. But even working with me like it’s okay, you know, it’s a, it’s a need to control the whole thing to make sure everything is lined up. And it’s like, but you’re working with someone who is the expert, who is the service provider. This is clicking with me what you’re… what you’re saying about that, for sure. The perfectionism and that’s been a theme for this podcast is that the show that we’ve had people who talk about perfectionism and letting that go, but we can give our inner messaging, we can give our clients permission to let that perfectionism go, and they can be imperfect with us, even though there are perfect clients. They’re our perfect clients but they can be imperfect with us and feel like they don’t have to do that. Yeah, so Okay, go ahead. Good. Sorry. Oh, no,



I was just gonna follow up on the whole idea of the need to have that control. And you know, maybe all they need to hear from you is that it’s okay if you so starting off with like addressing that you know how hard worker that they are right because if you do attract a lot of perfectionists, then it’s like addressing that and just affirming that because a lot of perfectionist they don’t they don’t have a lot of people telling them like you’ve been hard, working really hard today, right? Yeah. But then you are one of the first people to tell them that and like adjust them that like they’re automatically going to be like, Oh, my goodness, thank you for seeing me. Thank you for acknowledging all this hard work that I’ve been emotionally and externally, right, my emotional labor and my external labor. But anyway, so then it’s that control, where it’s like, what are the other things, just allow yourself to just get into the message will come when you get yourself into that emotional, just connection with like, where are they right now that will make them think that they can’t be imperfect. And that will come through when you’re in your own? This is, this is like this process, giving you what I do, Nicole, but honestly, I honestly have to, like get myself in a position where my body can just remember and like, what is that? What is that feeling? What is the thing that is needed to be heard? And it… it will come through? It’s not always this thing that’s like, oh, I need to sit here and think about this emotional message. Yes, we also need to like do our market research and understand what are the pain points? And what are they saying, but it doesn’t always have to be this intellectual thing where it’s okay, cool. Like they said this, I have to say this, but rather than letting your body communicate with you, and like shift into what is what do they really need to hear if this was a little kid, like feeling this way? And I wanted to say what this little kid needed to hear what do they what do they need me to say? So that comes through a lot when you’re just like yourself, getting into the emotional aspect of it emotionally connect with your customer.


Nicole  31:37

You know what, but it was so needed. And I do I like I told people, please have your pen and your paper and go back and re-listen to what she said, because she had so many Jackie’s given so many gems on how to do copy how to create a sales page, and just messaging for safety. I didn’t even think about it that way. But messaging for safety messaging for you know, you got this seeing them where they are allowing them to be who they are allowing them be imperfect, I mean, all those sorts of things. And also, what are your values? You know, I want somebody who is hard-working, I want somebody who does this? Or does that I want somebody who is not saddled with debt or not are looking for this thing. Now, for instance, for me in events, I don’t want somebody who’s looking around for the next best marketing tool like, oh, well, I’m doing webinar here, and I’m gonna do an event here, you know, I want somebody who wants to do events, that is their thing that they want to convey and show who they are. So somebody who’s like, I did this, and I did this, but it did this and you know, they said this event thing, so I’m going to try it out. I don’t want anybody who wants to try it out. I want somebody who’s going to repeatedly want to use this 


So if someone is listening today and you’re like look, I love the idea of a virtual event I would love to create one to enroll people into my group coaching program or my one-on-one coaching. But quite frankly, I just don’t think I can do it alone. I have things to do I have all these things that I don’t really know how to navigate the whole virtual event world. No problem you got me your biz bestie Nicole Beatty at Fempreneur Online, you can create an awesome virtual event a live virtual event with me and my team just go to To learn how where can we find you Jackie? So, you know a when we want to hire you for our copywriting or sales page? How do we do that?



So my website is Jackie So J ac KIESUNG Not calm CO and my Instagram is where I love to hang out, which is also Jackie Sangha. Ko no dot. I know that’s kind of confusing. On Instagram, I’m on Instagram. And yes, I would love to connect chat with me say that you came from you were listening to the show the FEM printer coach connection. And I love love, love, love to connect more.


Nicole  34:16

Awesome. Thank you so much for being a part of the show and for giving us these gems was this was insane. I know people that again, because it’s insane. It’s awesome. Thank you so much for being a part of the show.



Thank you for having me. I had so much fun.


Nicole  34:31

Yay. So guys, I’d like to thank my guests for the show. Jackie Sangha. And we’re so excited that we’re going to add that other part to our messaging, self-trust, and safety. Never thought of it that way. But it’s an amazing way to convey to your audience exactly who you are and how you want them to be with you. So we’d love to have you as a guest if you’re just as awesome as Jackie and you can give that kind of value which is insane we’d love to have you on as a guest go to to apply and at the end of every episode we say who’s next