Take the Hustle out of Your Marketing with Zoha Abbas

Have you ever been completely frustrated and burned out from your marketing efforts inside of your business? Then, today’s episode is for you.

Next up in the Fempreneur Coach Connection Podcast is Zoha Abbas, and she’s talking about hustle culture and ways to market your services without being overwhelmed or burned out.

Through her business and proprietary method, The Ownership Method, Zoha helps coaches and other service providers create meaningful anti-hustle communication plans and offers that are aligned with their values, that feel good, and gets them the results they want.

In this episode:

  • [01:31] The hustle is a lie: discover the perils of the hustle culture
  • [03:30] 3 ways to take the hustle out of your marketing


Want to create your own anti-hustle communication plan? Zoha made a FREE Workbook, just for the Fempreneur Fam. Grab yours here.


Zoha mentions The Fascination Advantage Assessment by Sally Hogshead, a tool she likes to use with her clients. Learn more about it at The Fascinate Test.


Want to be a guest on the Fempreneur Coach Connection? Apply at fempreneuronline.com/guest


Want to host your own virtual event? Learn how at fempreneuronline.com 

Want to turn one piece of content into 130+ assets you can use to promote your business? Learn how at fempreneuronline.com

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Noteworthy Quotes from this episode:

“The hustle has us conditioned to think that we need to work harder in order to succeed, right? That we need to […] earn our results in the accompanying sense of self worth. And what that comes down to is that we end up completely not trusting ourselves, not trusting our own energy.”


“If you are sending messages in ways that your audience cannot understand or does not like to consume information, the message is going to get lost.”

“I feel like we have so many options of how to spend our energy when it comes to marketing. […] But just because you can do all the things doesn’t mean you should do all the things.”


Nicole  00:03

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wanted something more, more in business, home life, relationship life, say word if you agree, word. In 2019, I created a business for coaches to market in this wacky way virtual events, all with this seven to seven job. I’m a full time nurse by the way. And like you there were just not enough hours in the day, my partner was feeling alone. And generally, this wasn’t fun anymore. But then I realized I needed to build myself back up mind, body, soul, and even my business. So I created a show that does just that, interviewing all types of coaches, life, wellness, fertility, career, financial wealth and business. Join me on my journey with some of the best coaches who want to empower other coaches to live their best lives and build businesses that fulfill them. My name is Nicole Beaty, and this is Fempreneur Coach Connection.



Hello, everybody! Nicole, thank you so much for having me here on the show. I am so excited to be here talking to all of you beautiful humans. And if you have ever been completely frustrated and burned out from your marketing efforts inside of your business. This is for you. Let’s get into it. All right. My name is Zoha. My business is called The Ownership Method. And I help coaches and other service providers create anti hustle communication plans for aligned offers. Right? And why is the anti-hustle piece of that? Why is that so important here? 

Thing Number one, the hustle has us conditioned to think that we need to work harder in order to succeed, right? That we need to somehow work super duper, uber hard to earn our results in the accompanying sense of self worth. And what that comes down to is that we end up completely not trusting ourselves, not trusting our own energy. And thinking that we always have to do more, be more work harder in order to succeed, right? That looks like us thinking nothing is ever going to be enough. Because when you’re always needing to like hustle, right, you can always do more, do a little bit more, do a little bit more, do a little bit more. When is it enough? It’s never enough. That is a surefire recipe for burnout right there already. The second thing that the hustle does to us is that it makes us think that we need to show up in a really, really specific way in order to succeed. This can show up in ways that, you know, we think we need to look a certain way or act a certain way, sound a certain way, present a certain way, right, in order to succeed. Because when we look around at the big players, right in our industries, a lot of times they can look and sound a certain way, right, even if you think about the idea of the word professional, you might get just an immediate picture in your hand of just like an old white man in a navy blue blazer, right. But I am here to tell you right now, none of this is true. This is just what has existed. And because that is what has existed and been drilled into us. We think that’s the only way that we can show up. But it’s not, the hustle is a lie.


And I’m going to tell you right now, how you can take the hustle out of your marketing. So let’s talk about three different things that you can be aware of when you’re creating your own anti-hustle communication plan. Alright, so number one, I want you to be aware of and start to understand your personal communication style, right? Human beings are all wired for connection. We all have a need to communicate with each other. But the way that that connection and that communication gets expressed, happens very, very differently in all humans, right. And one of the ways that I like to think about this is with the five love languages, right? If you have ever heard of The Five Love Languages, it’s five distinct ways that people will express and understand the simple meaning of ‘I love you’, right? So some people might be really into gift giving. And that might be the way that they express I love you. They want to hand over a tangible token of their love. Some people are more geared toward acts of service, right? That might look like “Oh, I was out running errands and I took your car through the carwash because I know that you wanted to get that done but you didn’t have time this week. So I took care of it for you.” Right and that’s them showing that they love this person. By helping them out, you know, same message, the message is ‘I love you’, but two very different expressions of this. One of the tools that I like to use with all of my clients is the fascination advantage assessment by Sally Hogshead. You can actually check this out if you want to if you go to how to fascinate.com and get your own assessment, but it’s a similar tool to the five love languages, but it’s geared specifically toward more of like marketing communication, right? Like, how do you connect with people? How do you express to people? How do you show up in your business? it’s a really awesome tool, you should check it out if you want to. But my whole point with all of this is that it’s really, really important for you to understand how you express? Are you super passionate, when you’re talking? Do you use a lot of extremes? Do you have a lot of hand motions and facial expressions? Right? Or are you somebody who likes to hang back and listen first and then speak? Right? And do you only speak up when you have a fully formed observation to share with people? You know, are you an excellent writer? Are you an amazing speaker? Are you a fantastic artist, and you can express an idea just through an image that you’ve created, right? There’s so many different ways that human beings express their thoughts and ideas and their feelings. It’s really important in your marketing, when you’re trying to inject more ease and more flow into your marketing efforts, that you understand how you best communicate with people, right? And then the second thing to keep in mind is the flip side of this, understand how your audience likes to receive information. Right? So I’ll use the example of the love languages again, if you have that gift giver, and that acts of service person, and the gift giver is just giving, giving, giving, giving, giving gifts, right? And the acts of service person is like, wow, they just keep trying to like, buy my love. They can’t just like do something for me? They can’t like, why don’t they ever do anything nice for me, right? Why do they think that all they need to do is just give me a trinket and then that’s it. Right. And it’s not that the gift giver doesn’t love this person. But it is that the love is being expressed in a way that the acts of service person might not fully understand the message that is trying to be delivered. And so there is a miscommunication. Same thing with your audience. Communication is always a two way street, right? And all you’re doing when you’re marketing is you’re showing up and communicating about the ways that you can help the people you want to help, right. So, if you are sending messages in ways that your audience cannot understand or does not like to consume information, the message is going to get lost. So this comes down to just doing simple research, right? What kinds of content do your ideal clients like to interact with? Where do they like to hang out? Do they like to watch videos on YouTube? Do they like to listen to podcasts? Do they like reading books, right? Finding the intersection of how you best communicate and how they best receive information is a really key part of making your marketing a lot easier. The third aspect that I want to talk about is you understanding your energy. Okay? I feel like we have so many options of how to spend our energy when it comes to marketing. You can get on social media, you can do live video, you can do a pre-recorded video, you can send a newsletter, you can write a blog, you can do a social media post, you can do a story, you can make a TikTok, you can do all the things, right. But just because you can do all the things doesn’t mean you should do all the things. And based on how you best communicate. Different types of communication are going to require different kinds and different amounts of energy from you. So if you can understand what things really, really drain you, and what things really, really energize you, and maybe what things are just kind of like neutral, they’re right there in the middle. If you can get a better understanding of how things utilize your energy. You can combine all of this to have a completely fleshed out anti hustle communication plan. You can make your marketing so much more simple. And you can really, really show up and focused on maybe a couple of platforms right instead of trying to do all the things all the time. So if you would like to do this for yourself in a more structured way, I made you a worksheet. So you can head to the ownership method.com/fem printer and get your hands on that free worksheet. I made it just for you specifically around what we are talking about today. And again, I just want to say thank you to Nicole and the Fempreneur Team for having me here. This was amazing. And I can’t wait to talk to you all more. That’s what I’ve got for you. Thank you again,


Nicole  10:34

I do you love repurposing your content trick question because most of the time, people say no, they don’t have the time the energy or they just don’t know how to repurpose their content the best way? What if I told you that I have a system where we can take one day and repurpose several pieces of your pillar content and create over 130 assets for you to use now and in the future? Well go to fempreneuronline.com  To learn more. Just schedule a consultation with me