Join The Collab Club for busy Fempreneurs

Unleash your Audience Growth FAST through Collaboration

Get On Demand Collab Resource Library, Tools, Templates & 24h Community Support 

Most communities charge anywhere from $97 to $297 per month for this kind of value. But I decided to create one every fempreneur could afford for just $21/month 

This is a monthly membership priced $21/ month.  Cancel your membership anytime.

Are you an online female entrepreneur struggling to find collaborators and grow your audience organically?


You're not alone.

Picture this...

You have a brilliant business idea, a passion that drives you, and the determination to make it big in the online world.

But with each passing day, you find yourself feeling stuck and frustrated.

👀You see other entrepreneurs forming successful collaborations, growing their audiences exponentially, and building thriving businesses. Meanwhile, you’re left wondering why you can’t seem to crack the code.😭

Here's what you've been told to do when trying to grow your audience...

❌ Build a lead magnet and blast it over social only to get 1 or 2 leads (which are family members)
❌Spend money on ads to get visible because that’s the only possible way
​❌ Pitch yourself to people only to get the dreaded “No thank you” or even worst radio silence
​❌ Buy a super expensive course on growing your audience only to be told how you should pay for your audience

But OMG… you are exhausted, aren’t you?

When will you finally see your audience grow and revenue come in?

The truth is...

👉Without a solid network of collaborators and a clear strategy for leveraging your audience, reaching your goals becomes an uphill battle. 

👉You may have amazing content and products to offer, but without the right connections and a strong foundation, your efforts can easily go unnoticed. 


Imagine if you could easily connect with like-minded entrepreneurs who are just as passionate about growing their audiences as you are.

🤔Here is what happens when you do that👍👍

✅You experience an Audience Explosion with potential customers interested in what you have to offer.

​✅ You will receive an instant credibility boost because their credibility rubs off on you. 

​✅ You can show up with confidence because you know that you’re not doing this alone.

​✅ You will never doubt your worth again cuz you have something solid to bring to other people’s audiences.

Let's talk about the power of collaboration when it comes to growing our audiences organically.

Reaching a wider audience all by yourself can feel like trying to swim across an ocean with flippers made of spaghetti 🍝

That’s where our collaboration and networking community comes in, like a trusty life raft.

We bring together a group of like-minded ladies who are ready to support and uplift each other, all while sharing strategies to expand our reach and grow our businesses.

It’s like having a cheerleading squad and a brainstorming session rolled into one. 


But I didn't always use collaborations to build my business...

I tried...

❌Facebook ads – only to loose hundreds of dollars with a few new leads but no real sales

❌Social media posts – only to spend countless hours crafting the perfect IG post and carousel graphic but the algorithm soon made this a fruitless task

❌Blogging – only to realize that I hate writing my thoughts and even moreso hate having to promote it

And that's when it hit me:

I really hate doing this online biz alone.  I need to have others going through this adventure with me. 

Plus I’ve got something to say. 

And my biz besties have audiences who want to learn and hear what I have to say. 


Why not collab with my biz besties to bring immense value to their audiences - AND expand my reach to people who want to hear what I have to say?

And this time, I finally started to see the results I'd been working for so long:

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✅Audience growth like I never could imagine
✅ Biz besties asking me to talk to their audiences
✅ Invitations to speak at impactful events with my target audience

We're about revolutionize your online business game.

The exact steps to grow your audience fast with collabs that feel good to you.


The Collab Club

With our powerful collaboration and networking community, you’ll effortlessly connect with fellow online business fempreneurs who’ll help you grow your audience organically, while you do the same for them. 

This is a monthly membership priced $21/ month.  Cancel your membership anytime.

When you join the The Collab Club

You'll get instant access to:

This is a monthly membership priced $21/ month.  Cancel your membership anytime.

Amazing Bonuses

Stop struggling alone. Become part of a powerful community and always be up to date on the latest collab strategies. 

⭐️Grow your Audience.  ⭐️Boost your visbility. ⭐️ Unleash your creativity. ⭐️Expand your network.  

Access to the VIP section

The opportunity to network inside the Heartbeat group where the discussion and resources are housed.

The Masterclass Vault

The opportunity to learn all about online business with 10 of my BEST interviews/ Masterclasses featuring some of my fav biz besties!

Digital Product in a Weekend

Build your digital product from scratch in a weekend (meta right?)

Quarterly Lead Generation Sprints

Go through our new quarterly lead generation sprints with all the other Clubbers using one collab strategy per quarter to grow our audiences together!

Does this actually work?

I am so convinced of the method and tools shared in this success club because they helped me to completely change my business and grow my audience like crazy!

This is a monthly membership priced $21/ month.  Cancel your membership anytime.

I have a question for you…

What if I can help you to get just 50 extra email subscribers this month?

I love celebrating our members’ wins…

But I also love that you can fund a whole year of this success club by
selling just one signature course OR 10 low ticket digital products.

Do you think that this can help you add just a dozen new email subscribers to your audience?

This is a monthly membership priced $21/ month.  Cancel your membership anytime.

Who is this for?

👉The Collab Club is for two specific people….


An aspiring digital product creator who wants to expand her audience and connect with other like-minded fempreneurs in the online business space.


A coach or service provider that wants to grow their audience using a strategy that feels good to them (ahem, collabs) and doesn’t know where to start.  

If you can check one of these boxes, you’re in the right place!

This is a monthly membership priced $21/ month.  Cancel your membership anytime.

Let's Recap...

Access all this for FREE inside The Collab Club...

This is a monthly membership priced $21/ month.  Cancel your membership anytime.

Meet your Club Host

I’m Nicole Batey @fempreneuronline – a wife, bonus mom & full-time Registered Nurse👩‍⚕️🩺

Lover of my dog Luna 🐕 and dog Gizmo🐕.

❤️❤️Obsessed with Backstreet Boys 👨‍🎤 (+ all things 90s boy bands) and WWE🤼‍♂️ (yes, wrestling)


As a virtual event strategist, I show fempreneurs how to build their ideal audience and make the right offer in a virtual event that lights them up and sells their offer faster than a Beyonce world tour 🐝🐝

Answering all your


A: Yes!  The big thing about collaboration is that you need to have something to share.  That’s either your process for doing something, your experience doing something, or a product that addresses how to do something.  We’ll help you formulate how you can help other people’s audiences and be viewed as the perfect collab partner.

A: It’s a membership and networking community where you’ll get to collab with other online business owners who want to grow their audiences.  

A: Absolutely.  However, there is no guarantee for the same pricing as you see today.  Plus not all resources will be available to future members of The Club.

A: You have access to the community 24 hours per day.  Feel free to work through your content or digital product questions inside the group.  You are also encouraged to network with other Clubbers inside the DMs

A: Absolutely not. B2C often find collaboration essential to growing their audience.  You’ll find a variety of B2C biz owners inside.  If you don’t see someone who has your audience, you can always use the resources inside to find a potential collab partner who may not be inside The Collab Club.

A: Whelp you learned Facebook or Instagram or whatever other app is on your phone.  The only “tool” you may have to learn to navigate is the Heartbeat app.  But it’s super easy to learn.  Plus you can easily navigate it on desktop or in your cell browser if apps aren’t your thing.

A: Digital Product in a Weekend in this promotion is housed inside The Collab Club for a monthly subscription fee. Lifetime access to this product is granted if you pay a separate fee outside of The Collab Club.

A: Due to the nature of these digital products, there is no refund for paid money for The Collab Club. Please see terms and conditions on the main page for more details.

A: Everyone has to start somewhere.  And The Collab Club is the perfect place to start if you have no email list because we’ll help you get started with making it happen.